Your denials management efforts are only as good as the strength of your team. Hear where Southcoast focuses to ensure they have the right talent.
How can you retain a strong denials management team?
Jadene Elden: “So, inside a revenue cycle, keeping a good team starts with the need to build a good team, and from there, keeping them engaged. We try to make sure that we listen to (our team), give them a voice, escalate their concerns, and play to their strong suits.
"We have a soup-to-nuts type of (revenue cycle) environment, where they're educated in claim edits with billing, follow-up, and managing denials. So with that, we provide a variety (of job opportunities) and a platform for them to escalate and define areas where we need to improve processes and (share ideas) to make the revenue cycle just a little bit smoother for their day-to-day job."